The Difficult Challenge of Cross-Cultural Communication During Quarantine Period

We invite you to participate in an open lecture “The difficult challenge of Cross-Cultural Communication during quarantine period” which will be held on 14th of May at 2 PM. Lecture speaker – Dr. Javed Imran, lecturer at Kazimieras Simonavičius University Business School. Duration of the lecture – 45 min.

Normal life as people knew it has come to a hold after quarantine, restrictions on free movement and nationwide lockdowns. The different ways each nation coping with the huge challenge of coronavirus pandemic and confronting economic and social risks is broadly revealing a lot about their nation’s distinct character and cultural environment. This sudden change and Slowbalization can badly affect us directly or indirectly at personal and or professional level. To deal with the current and post coronavirus challenge, rapid and effective cross-cultural communication is inevitable.

What you will learn in this lecture:

  • Cultural taxonomies
  • Why can’t we all just get along?
  • How culture can be viewed after Coronavirus pandemic?
  • How to bridge our cultural differences?

Who this lecture is for:

  • Students/professionals work in multicultural environment
  • Students/professionals moving or living abroad
  • Anyone curious to understand other cultures and why they act and behave different

Dr. Javed Imran (KSU photo)

Dr. Javed Imran teaches Intercultural Communication at KSU Business School and coordinates KSU International programs. He has more than 10 years of experience in the areas of cross-cultural communication, international collaborations, cross-cultural negotiations and international development. He taught in several prestigious universities in Asia and Europe, highlighting mainly the links between diversity, dialogue and development, and fostering global mutual understanding.

He has also provided Internationalization Strategies Advisory Service to institutional leaders and teams interested in developing or reviewing their internationalization policy, strategy, in various programs.


Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. Please, register here.
