Due to the global processes in the world, we are coping with many threats – cyber-security threats, hybrid-threats, security of energy and uses of different resources. Security specialists have to be able to cope with the risks – to analyse, plan risk management in the organisation and to be ready to develop risk management policies and plans in their organisations. From the other side, CEOs, business owners have to be aware about security and should be actively involved in the security risk management process.
This course will create mixed group of security and business students, who will explore security risk management process which is an important part of any business or company.
In frame of the course students will participate in lectures, workshops, practical sessions and study visits. In this Course participants will be bachelor and master level students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Lectures and workshops will be led by professors from all partner Universities as well as invited professionals.
Language of the Course – English, participation in the Course – free of change. Organisers will cover travel, accommodation, catering, study visits, some excursions and free time activity costs.
Students will receive 4 ECTS for the participation in the Course which will be recognised at KSU.
When? 13-25 August 2024
Where? Riga, Latvia
Who can apply? Bachelor and master students of Law and Business fields, any other students interested in security risk management topic (except the last year students). Only 5 places are available for KSU students.
Interested? Submit the Application till 20 June by e-mail [email protected].
This Course is implemented by Turiba University (Latvia) in a cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Nord University (Norway). Project receives financial support from NORDPLUS Higher education program. Project number: NPHE- 2024/10358.