Scientific Conference Social Innovations and Regional Development



13 – 18 PM, on the 25th of September the conference ‘Social Innovations and Regional Development’ takes place at the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, in Vilnius.

The conference is organised by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, as a part of the SI-DRIVE project. It focuses on the discussion about the decline of Lithuanian regions and how the notion and practice of social innovation can be useful for their development. The conference organisers are seeking to apply the results of the SI-DRIVE research project in practice, by discussing them with the regional development stakeholders in Lithuania and the international team of researchers.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University scientists together with representatives of the following institutions: Lithuanian Parliament Committee on Education and Science, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Parliament Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Institute of Lithuanian Language, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, and Catholic University of Leuven will be seeking for potential models and opportunities of innovative regional development.

The conference is a part of the four-year international research project ‘Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change’ (SI-DRIVE), which includes 16 partners from EU countries and 9 partners from other regions of the world.
