Project on sustainable aviation successfully implemented

An innovative course titled „Development of Sustainable Aviation” was developed in a partnership of three organizations (from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia). The course includes topics related to a new conceptual model of responsible and conscious aviation that sees its development in line with the interests of the social and natural environment and takes into account existing ecological barriers and expectations of the society.

The main objective of the project „Spread your wings” was to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of bachelor and master degree Aviation Management and related disciplines students’ in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment.

During the project the following results were achieved:

  • A set of tools for teaching staff was prepared (teacher’s guidebook, casebook, business simulation and workshop based on Lego Serious Play methodology).
  • 7 e-learning courses and 6 podcasts were prepared.
  • 3 international aviation schools (in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia) were organised for the students of partner universities.
  • 2 international academies were organised for teaching staff of partner universities (International Aviation Academy (LT) and Digital Academy (LV)).

More information on the project’s results is available here.

The project was financed by Erasmus+ programme. Project No. 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038782.
