Problems and Challenges of Contemporary Law in the Context of International Law 2021

We invite you to participate in the international conference “Problems and Challenges of Contemporary Law in the Context of International Law 2021” jointly organised by Faculty of Law, Kazimieras Simonavičius University and international partners of the University.

The conference will be held on 29-30 April, 2021.

During these challenging times, in the context of major geopolitical changes, there is a need to review the legal structure, functioning of the conceptual order and to explore the possibility of creating new norms, tools, and paradigms.

The conference will provide an opportunity to critically and creatively address all areas of international law. Applications of innovative methods in solving emerging problems will be presented during the sessions of the event.

The aim of the conference is to promote the public scientific discussion of Lithuanian and world researchers, raising the problems and challenges of modern law in the contexts of international law, commercial, family, criminal, environmental, and other branches of law.

 Participants: Lithuanian and foreign scientists – researchers, lecturers, students, law practitioners, and social partners.



Business law;

International human rights;

Humanitarian law and criminal justice;

International disputes, arbitration, and dispute resolution;

International trade, investment, and finance;

International organisations;

Security, foreign relations and use of force;

Environment and sustainable development. 


Conference program and time: 29 April.

Conference program and time: 30 April.


Here is a link to the conference on the 29th of April.

Join Zoom Meeting


Here is a link to the conference on the 30th of April.

Join Zoom Meeting


Language: The conference will be held in Lithuanian, English, and Russian.

Participation is free of charge.


Contact person

Olegas Beriozovas

Vice-Dean Of Law Faculty

E.mail: [email protected]

Phone: +370 609 14472
