KSU lecturer at the Kharkiv International Legal Forum


Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University photo


On the 3-6th of October, Kazimieras Simonavičius University lecturer Prof. Dr. Raimundas Kalesnykas participated in the Kharkiv International Legal Forum “Law and Problems of Sustainable Development in Globalized World” (Ukraine). Professor gave a report on Lithuania’s experience in prevention of corruption and moderated the discussion “The World Without Corruption: Myth or Reality?”.

In his report “Prevention of corruption in the public sector of Lithuania: a success story and the best practice” Prof. Dr. Raimundas Kalesnykas presented Lithuania’s good practice in preventing corruption in the fields of law enforcement, civil service and public administration.

Nacionalinio Jaroslavo Mudryj teisės universiteto nuotr.

Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University photo

The main topics of this year’s Kharkiv International Legal Forum were focused on one of the main goals of sustainable development: promoting the construction of a peaceful and open society, access to justice for everybody and creation of institutions on all levels, which will be fair, accountable and based on broad participation.

The forum, organized by the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, was attended by high-ranking officials of Ukraine and foreign experts: leaders of Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Bureau and National Anti-Corruption Agency, representatives of the Ukrainian government and ministries, as well as the leaders of international organizations residing in Ukraine (GRECO, USAID, OSCE, UNDP, IFES, etc.), academics, researchers and students of 20 universities from all over the world.

