KSU Business School Director participated in EUCA INVEST meeting in Kyrgyzstan


Participants of the meeting


On 20-21st of October Director of the Business School of Kazimieras Simonavičius University Deimantė Budriūnaitė participated in the second international meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Investing in Entrepreneurship Universities in the Caucasus and Central Asia” (EUCA INVEST) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Participants of the meeting discussed the progress of Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship through the application of good European practices and creation and development of CreaLABs by improving the creativity and entrepreneurship competences and skills of students and high school staff. Participants also discussed the problems arising from the application of good practices, discussed further project perspectives and activities, organizational project issues.

Lithuania represented by Kazimieras Simonavičius University is one of the 6 partner countries of the European Union (together with Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal and Scotland), providing methodological assistance to higher education institutions in Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia, aiming at developing creativity labs, promoting students’ entrepreneurship and innovation.
