Invitation to Join the EURAM 2024 Conference

The EURAM 2024 Conference will be held at the School of Management of the University of Bath (United Kingdom) on June 25–28, 2024.

The theme of the 25th annual conference is: “Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges”.

Technological innovation has always been a significant enabler of value creation, improved competitiveness, and economic growth. It has also contributed to the taming of the impact of long-standing Grand Challenges, most notably, ageing society, environmentally unsustainable economic growth and health impacts of climate change.

The high opportunity cost of not addressing these long-standing and new challenges begs the question: how can innovation help solve major challenges without creating new ones? To answer this question, business organisations, their key stakeholders, governments, and the academic community can collaborate to develop new solutions and ensure that innovation is responsible and ethical. This may require moving beyond “traditional” forms of innovation to include organizational, business models, and social innovation. Thus, there are fruitful opportunities for management scholars to deliver impactful research on the managerial, organisational, and policy challenges inherent in developing the requisite innovations.

During the conference, the panel discussion “Business Schools in Motion – New Frontiers for Management Education in a Changing World” will be moderated by the Head of the KSU School of Business Innovation and Communication, Deimantė Žilinskienė.

About the panel discussion: In view of today’s grand challenges, societies need to go through radical transformations. Business schools can play an important role in supporting and guiding this process. To be able to do so, they also need to change themselves. The panelists of this symposium hold leadership positions at different business schools, some in the center of Europe and some at its periphery. Together with the audience, they will discuss the future development of business schools and the changes that are already under way at their institutions. They will share insights from their own experience and explore new directions for collaboration.

Conference organizers welcome scholars to submit their research to the 2024 EURAM Conference, which focuses on fostering innovation to address long-standing and new Grand Challenges. Members of the KSU community are invited to join and suggest topics for their presentations. First Announcement of Call for Papers: 26 September 2023. Deadline for Paper Submission: 11 January 2024.

More information and deadlines here: 2024_Conference_Flyer.pdf (

EURAM 2024 official website: Theme – EURAM 2024 Annual Conference
