International Workshop on Data Economy

On February 22-23 the international workshop „Towards Data Economy Excellence Centre and Big Data Lab“ took place at Kazimieras Simonavičius University. Prof. Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja (Finland) moderated the workshop.

Experts from various countries talked about the Data Economy and Big Data:

  • Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja (University of Turku, Research Director of Finland Future Research Centre),
  • Dr. Dr. Steffen Roth (La Rochelle Business School),
  • Levan Bzhalava (Business School of Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia),
  • Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis (Kazimieras Simonavičius University),
  • Lasse Härkönen (Founder, CEO, Future Winners Oy, Finland),
  • Darius Verbyla (Director of Business School of Kazimieras Simonavičius University).

Representatives from business and public sector have also participated in the international workshop.

The workshop was aimed to:
– review the latest Data Economy and Big Data techniques, research and utilization trends;
– shape the Data Economy Excellence Centre and international virtual Big Data Lab establishing and operating principles;
– discuss about the joint projects and commercial cooperation opportunities and forms.

KSU Rector Prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis welcomed all gathered and presented the shift from Information Management to Big Data concept. Professor emphasized that Big Data is a quite new concept and it is constantly changing.

Prof. Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja noted that „The big data revolution it is going to change the way we live, work and think in business and society“.

IT Strategist and Big Data Expert Adomas Svirskas looked at Open Data as a raw resource like crude oil and noted that organizations try to monetize data as a saleable asset. Data Economy fosters innovation, creates jobs and is useful not only to business, but also to public sector.

Adomas Svirskas noted that the aim of Data Economy Excellence Centre is to facilitate and foster advances in Data Economy field. It could operate as a synergy centre and forum to foster dialogue amongst the players of Digital/Data Value Chain.

Potential activities of Centre may include the following:

  • Modern Data Science curriculum and study programme for undergraduate and graduate students
  • Training centre and tailored programmes for corporate and public sector professionals, attracting leading professionals, innovators and practitioners of this field
  • Applied research and innovation through participation in national and international projects, collaboration with industry and the Government
  • Showcases, pilots and living labs to experiment and demonstrate value of Data Economy solutions
  • Business incubator for datatech start-ups
