Kazimieras Simonavičius University‘s Law Faculty, National Consumer Confederation and Committee of Legal Affairs of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania organize the international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania”. The conference will be held on 4th of November at Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Gedimino av. 53, Constitution Hall – 1st building, Vilnius).
The aim of the conference is to develop international scientific cooperation in the field of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses.
The theory and practice of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses of European Union and Lithuania will be discussed in the conference. Law scholars from foreign countries (United Kingdom, Spain and Poland) will speak in the conference.
You can download the programme of the international conference here.
We kindly invite you to participate in the conference.
Registration will be closed on 31st of October at 10 a.m. When registering, please write your name, surname, institution and contact information to [email protected] . We kindly ask you to write also if you would like to get the participation certificate.
NOTE: Please don’t forget to have your ID card or passport with you.
For more information, please call +370 686 25661.