On 10-11 October, 2019 „Platforms of Big Data Foresight (PLATBIDAFO)“ project team participated in the Workshop on Foresight Software and Algorithms in Helsinki (Finland), which was organised by Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) together with Google Garage Learning Centre (Finland) and XAMK (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences).

Participants from KSU, XAMK, Helsinki Municipality, Google Garage Learning Centre and start-ups, working in the fields of big data and future foresight, discussed different aspects of big data challenges, including analytical tools, algorithms and software development.  Project researchers analysed current big data issues with the representatives from Statzone and Futures Platform, who presented their services, emerging challenges and needs pertaining to big data and foresight.  During the Workshop topics on data modelling and programming, qualitative data analysis with big data, big data scientific results, big data and Lithuanian Smart Specialisation Strategy and other relevant issues were discussed. Participants visited Google Garage Learning Centre in Helsinki and XAMK Campus and Google Green Data Center in Hamina.

The project “Platforms of Big Data Foresight (PLATBIDAFO)” is implemented by Big Data Excellence Centre at Kazimieras Simonavičius University and is financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. The project aims to create tools and methodologies, which will enable companies and organisations to tackle social problems by helping them to identify social exclusion, demographic change, regional development and other problems as well as spotting and predicting future trends.
