What Is an Erasmus Teaching Visit to a Higher Education Institution?

An Erasmus Teaching Visit is a period during which academic staff members have the opportunity to spend time at a higher education institution that is part of the Erasmus program. During this visit, lecturers conduct lectures based on a pre-agreed teaching program at a foreign higher education institution. Additionally, they can work on improving the quality of the subjects they teach and engage in discussions and the initiation/development of academic collaborations with partner institutions.


Who is Eligible for Erasmus Teaching Visits?

Academic staff from KSU are eligible to participate in Erasmus teaching visits. There are no restrictions on the number of teaching visits that a lecturer can undertake during the academic year.


How to Find a Host Higher Education Institution?

To arrange an Erasmus teaching visit, you can choose a higher education institution that has an existing agreement with KSU for Erasmus staff exchanges. You can find a list of partner institutions here. Lecturers independently coordinate the teaching program and other visit details with the relevant departments at the foreign higher education institution.


What is the Duration of an Erasmus Teaching Visit?

The duration of an Erasmus teaching visit can range from 2 days to 2 months. However, it is advisable to keep the visit to a maximum of 1 week, taking into consideration the funding provided by KSU. Visits exceeding 1 week in duration are funded only if there are available savings.

The minimum teaching workload is 8 hours per week (or a shorter period for shorter mobility).

What Are the Financial Conditions for Erasmus Teaching Visits?

Erasmus funding covers:

  1. Living expenses (accommodation and daily allowances) based on the country where the teaching visit is planned.
Receiving Country Daily Allowance, EUR
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway 180
Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal 160
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Turkey 140
  1. Travel expenses, the amount of which is determined by the distance from Vilnius to the location of the visit, using the European Commission’s distance calculator:

Travel Distance

Regular Travel. Amount Eco-Friendly Travel*. Amount

10–99 km

23 EUR per participant

100–499 km

180 EUR per participant

210 EUR per participant

500–1 999 km

275 EUR per participant

320 EUR per participant

2 000–2 999 km

360 EUR per participant

410 EUR per participant

3 000–3 999 km

530 EUR per participant

610 EUR per participant

4 000–7 999 km

820 EUR per participant

8 000 km or more

1500  EUR per participant

* Eco-friendly travel is considered when a significant portion of the journey is made using sustainable transportation methods (such as traveling by bus, train, or carpooling with fellow travelers).

Important! The travel distance according to the European Commission’s distance calculator is the distance from the departure location to the mobility activity location. Participants receive a fixed amount intended to cover expenses to and from the mobility activity location.


Who Is Given Priority?

During the selection process, priority is given to lecturers who:

  • Are participating in the Erasmus+ program for the first time.
  • Are going on a teaching visit for the first time during the current academic year.
  • Will use the visit to strengthen and expand KSU’s connections and/or discuss future collaboration projects.
  • Have proficiency in a foreign language.

How to Participate in an Erasmus Teaching Visit?

KSU conducts individual selections for academic staff for teaching visits based on applications submitted by lecturers. Decisions regarding grant allocations are made by the KSU Rector.


International Relations Coordinator
Kristina Šlekienė

 [email protected]

+370 686 34423