
The Next Society Institute (NSI) advances social systems theory in the tradition of Niklas Luhmann and explores synergies with alternative schools of systems theories in domains such as: theories of society, social theories, theories of social differentiation, theories of new and old media, management and organisation theories, theories of foresight and anticipation.

The NSI is keen to translate theoretical breakthroughs and advances into diverse forms of social impact including: tool manufactory; strategic advice; policy agendas; learning content; communication design.

The KSU performs foundational research and demonstrates its use in the area of applied research. It’s prime focus are management and organizational topics, yet keeps a strong emphasis on engaging in trans-disciplinary dialogue and publication efforts. The NSI has conducted important research contributions to areas of digital transformation of societies and engages in research and development projects in the Baltic area with a strong emphasis on supporting social partners and regional institutions with actionable insight and applicable, research based tools for managers and organizations.

The NSI has a global outlook and has affiliated researchers with teaching, research and consulting experience from across the globe. Bringing together inherently diverse perspectives, generates a dynamic and invigorating research environment, leading to high-ranking publication impact, as well as inspiring events for local and regional actors.

Throughout the academic year, the NSI organizes scientific conferences with global participation, as well as research retreats and public events for social partners from civil society, politics and corporations.

Founded in 2020, the Next Society Institute is a research and transfer institute of Kazimieras Simonavicius University.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Steffen Roth

Founding Director

President of the Senate・Kazimieras Simonavičius University
Full Professor・Excelia Business School La Rochelle

PhD TU Chemnitz・PhD University of Geneva・Habilitation MUIR・Title of Docent University of Turku ・Title of Full Professor Kazimieras Simonavičius University

Google Scholar

Lars Clausen


Managing Director・Next Society Institute
Senior Consultant・University College Lillebaelt

PhD (ABD) University of Flensburg・MA Aarhus University


Affiliated Researchers



Official website: https://next.ksu.lt

Email: [email protected]

