The library of Kazimieras Simonavičius University is an academic library. It is a member of the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium. The largest part of the Library’s collection consists of the literature of social sciences, law and business.

The goal of the library is to develop it as an informational structural foundation of knowledge (education, science and innovation) that creates learning environments, learning in life and space and lifelong learning, using the latest digital technologies and customer service techniques.

Important information for library users!


The library service system is currently being upgraded, and therefore no new readers are being registered in the library.

To use the Virtual Library and its resources, please log in via this link: KSU Virtual Library (

User ID: B3

Password: P128


If you would like to check out a book from the library, please contact the Study Department.


If you want to access EBSCOhost Web, please fill this form:

Library user guide

Library services & resources

KSU Virtual Library (KSU VL)

KSU VL is an integral search system allowing search in Kazimieras Simonavicius University Library resources, Lithuanian Electronic Academic Library (eLABa), subscribed databases, other electronic open access resources.

Library Catalogue 

By accessing the library’s electronic catalogue, you can see what books the KSU Library has, whether a book is available and whether it can be borrowed, which titles are available for home delivery and which are only available for reading in the reading room, you can order and reserve the titles you want to read, you can see the titles you own, you can see your reading deadlines, you can renew them.

KSU publications in eLABa 

Scientific, popular science and other publications of KSU community members are registered in eLABa.

KSU Library visitors rules:

  1. To become a library member, you must fill in the online registration form.
  2. The Library’s books are only issued to registered readers. Books are held for a limited time.
  3. A reader may have 5 items in his/her possession at a time.
  4. You can check what items the library has, what books you have checked out, and renew your loan period by logging into your library e-catalogue account.
  5. Not all items in the library’s collection are available for home loan. You are not allowed to check out the last copy. Readers may read such items locally.
  6. No new copies will be issued to a reader who has not returned the item(s) on time.
  7. In case of loss of a library publication, it must be replaced by the same or another publication of similar subject matter.
  8. Printing and photocopying services are payable. They are available on the 2nd floor, please contact the Study Department.

Databases and Open Access Recourses

*If you want to access EBSCOhost Web, please fill this form:

Information management tools

Citation tool

Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data:

  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online

Guides | Mendeley


Creative Commons (CC) is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world’s most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.

Together with our global community and multiple partners, we build capacity and infrastructure, we develop practical solutions, and we advocate for better sharing: sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable.


In order to check that the work has been produced in accordance with the academic literacy criteria, it is recommended to use online plagiarism checkers:

Consultations for Students

KSU Library provides the following consultations:

How to use KSU Library and its services

You will get acquainted with the KSU Library: its resources, services and website. You will learn how to use the library’s e-catalogue, find the literature you need for your studies, order books for home delivery, and extend the return period of a book.

How to upload your thesis to eLAB

You will learn how to log in to the eLABa repository, the requirements for registering publications, and how to register your thesis.

How to use the Databases

Find out what databases the KSU Library subscribes to, how to access them, and how to search for information efficiently. You will get acquainted with the EBSCO application and its possibilities.


Pre-registration for the consultation is required. Contact the Study Department.
Consultations are conducted remotely via the Teams platform.
Consultation duration up to 30 minutes.

Consultations for Researchers and Lecturers

The KSU Library provides advice and training on the following topics:


Consultation on how to use eLABa (Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library)

Registration (uploading) and management of a new publication in the eLABa repository. Assigning a publication type. Creating your own list or report of scientific publications.

Efficient management of scientific information

Scientific information retrieval systems and strategies. Overview of bibliographic information management tools and applications for scientific manuscripts. Citation, citation rules. Academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism.

Scientific publications. Research metrics.

Recommendations of journals and publishers most suitable for publication. Tools for evaluating scientific results. Journal evaluation indicators. Indicators for evaluating researchers.

Library training: Information resources and effective search (For new staff)

Introduction to KSU library services, search resources, information resources.



Pre-registration for the consultation is required.Contact the Study Department.
Consultations are conducted remotely via the Teams platform.
Consultation duration up to 30 minutes.

Reading room

The reading room of the Kazimieras Simonavičius University Library is located on the 1st floor (107 room). The spacious and bright reading room offers workplaces, computers, whiteboards and wireless internet access. It is suitable for both group and individual study.

The library reading room has computerized workstations with access to various international databases, giving students access to the most up-to-date information and to the prevailing and daily changing trends in the field. This place also hosts exhibitions, various training courses and workshops.

Copying and printing services are available on the 2nd floor. There is a charge for this service, please contact the Study Department.


Dariaus ir Girėno str. 21, LT-02189, Vilnius

I-V 10:00 – 16:00
