Date: May 27-28, 2024

Venue: Kazimieras Simonavicius University & online

Contact: [email protected]

Conference language: English


Scope: The dynamic and swiftly changing geopolitical landscape necessitates constant review of legal frameworks, an in-depth examination of conceptual constructs, and an exploration of the feasibility of conceiving novel norms, instruments, and paradigms capable of effectively addressing the the multifaceted challenges of our era.

This conference aspires to fulfill its role as a platform for the rigorous analysis of contemporary legal complexities and the assessment of the legal framework’s functionality within national and international communities, ultimately contributing to the advancement of legal scholarship and practice in the evolving legal landscape of our interconnected world.

Presentations and research papers are invited on topics relevant to the theme, including (but not limited to):

  1. Transnational Jurisprudence: Exploring the evolution of legal norms in the context of globalization, and their impact on national and international legal systems.
  2. Constitutional Law in a Global Context: The evolving role of national constitutions in an interconnected world.
  3. International Legal Instruments and Norms: The impact of international treaties and conventions on domestic constitutional arrangements.
  4. Challenges to Human Rights: Balancing national security concerns with the protection of individual rights in the international arena.
  5. Legal Landscape of Business Environment: Examining the impact of regulatory compliance, corporate governance, and ethical considerations on global commerce.
  6. Aviation and Space Law: Assessing the legal frameworks governing aerospace activities and international space law.
  7. Sustainable Development and Environmental Law: Analyzing the role of international environmental agreements in fostering sustainable development and addressing ecological challenges.
  8. Technology, Cybersecurity, and Legal Frontiers: Investigating the legal implications of emerging technologies, cybersecurity, and digital governance in a global context.
  9. Legal Studies and Research: Examining the evolution and trends in legal education, scholarship, and research in recent years.

Scientific Committee


Ralf Rogowski

Emeritus Academic at School of Law of Warwick University (UK)

Ralf Rogowski joined Warwick Law School in 1993, after having taught at Lancaster University and at the Free University in Berlin. For many years he was Director of the Law and Sociology Programme and Co-Director of Warwick University’s Social Theory Centre. He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Law of the University of Florence, at the University of Torino, and the Marco Biagi Foundation of the University of Modena. He has been Senior Emile Noel Fellow at New York University School of Law in 2006 and a Visiting Fellow at the universities of Wisconsin, Madison; Konstanz; and Maastricht. He has also been a long-standing Research Associate at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung (WZB) in Berlin. Since 1996 he is general editor of the book series Studies in Modern Law and Policy and since 2012 with S. Karstedt and D. Taenzler of the book series Law, Crime and Culture.


Jolanta Bieliauskaitė

Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Lithuania

Prof. dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė is a Rector at Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania). She defended her dissertation on the “Modern Concept of a Social State under the Rule of Law” in 2011. Her research interests are related to various aspects of the rule of law and protection of human rights, legal and academic ethics, educational policy. She is a member of International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Central and Eastern European Network of Jurisprudence. J. Bieliauskaitė also has a practical experience as a civil servant as she served as an advisor for education at the Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Osman Devrim Elvan

Istanbul Univertsity-Cerrahpaşa, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Osman Devrim ELVAN is full professor in Environment and Forestry Law Department in Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Forestry Faculty. He is also head of the Forestry Engineering Department of Forestry Faculty. His research areas are environment law, forestry law, wildlife law, water law and international environment agreements.

Csongor Herke

University of Pecs, Hungary

Dr. habil. Herke Csongor DSc. professor graduated summa cum laude in 1995. He passed the bar exam in 1997 being rated as excellent. He defended his PhD dissertation in 2001, habilitated in 2008 and acquired the academic doctorate in 2013. He has been a lecturer at PTE ÁJK since 1995, head of department since 2006 and professor since 2014. In addition to his work as a university lecturer, he works as an attorney-at-law. He has published more than three hundred publications in the field of criminal procedure, forensics and education, he wrote three comprehensive monographs, twelve Hungarian and two English collections of lecture notes, chapters in various collections of eight textbooks and chapters in various collections of thirteen lecture notes (four of them is in foreign language).

Edvardas Juchnevičius

Gdansk University, Poland

Edvardas Juchnevicius serves in role as the Coordinator for International Cooperation and as a professor at the Department of Financial Law within the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdansk, Poland. In addition to his academic responsibilities, he holds the position of an attorney at law, practicing in both Lithuania and Poland. His involvement in legal education extends to his role as a lecturer at the Gdansk Bar Association.

Professor E. Juchnevicius is a scholar, having authored over 100 scientific publications, which underscores his dedication and significant contributions to the field of law. His academic and research endeavors primarily focus on a range of specialized areas, including international tax law, the intricacies of e-commerce taxation, and the critical issues of tax evasion and tax avoidance.

Jarosław Kostrubiec

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland

Jaroslaw Kostrubiec is a professor at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland), Ph.D., Habilitated Doctor of Law; Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University; an attorney at law; an expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee. He is the Managing Editor of such journals as ‘Studia Iuridica Lublinensia’ (Scopus), ‘Lex localis – Journal of Local Self-Government’ (Scopus, WoS), and a member of the editorial board of ‘Juridical Tribune‘ (Scopus, WoS).

Between 2005 and 2006, he worked as a researcher at the Department of Public Law, Philosophy of Law and General Science of State at the Faculty of Law of the University of Heidelberg. He held research stays at the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt am Main. His scientific interests focus on public administration and administrative law, as well as legal aspects of artificial intelligence. He is an author or editor of about 160 academic publications.

Pavel Koukal 

Masaryk University, Czechia

Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Koukal Ph.D. is an associate professor within the Department of Civil law and also the Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. He is an expert in the area of intellectual property protection, but he has also authored various publications in the area of civil law and private international law as well. Pavel has been involved as the national expert in the study on the industrial designs protection and national rapporteur in several comparative studies of the World Association of Comparative Law. Pavel is the main co-author of the Czech Commentary to the Trademarks Act, the Industrial Designs Protection Act and co-author of the Commentary to the Czech Civil Code. His 2019 habilitation thesis focused on the public domain in copyright law and its human rights foundations.

Tze Chin Ong

University of Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Ong Tze Chin, Ph.D., LLM, LLB(Hons) Northumbria, UK, Barrister-at-Law (Gray’s Inn) UK, Advocate & Solicitors (High Court of Malaya) – non-practicing, a senior lecturer and the course coordinator for the Master of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya. She is a research fellow of the Universiti Malaya Malaysian Centre of Regulatory Studies (UMCORs). Her areas of expertise are Consumer Protection Law, ASEAN Comparatives Law, Commercial Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and E-commerce. She is a researcher at the ASEAN Competition Research Center. She was appointed as an expert consultant for Consumer Protection in ASEAN (PROTECT) project on ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection for E-commerce. She has secured a Fundamental Research Grant Scheme from the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education as a Principal Researcher for a research project relating to competition law and consumer protection in the digital market.

Dalia Perkumienė

Kazimieras Simonavicius University & Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Prof. dr. Dalia Perkumienė obtained her doctoral degree  in the field of private international law at the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 2014. She is teaching various law modules at Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and is a visiting Erasmus professor at various universities around the world: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Colombia, Peru, the United Arab Emirates, China, Morocco, etc. Prof. Perkumienė is a member of Nordic Environmental Law Society. While participating in the activities of this society, she gave presentations at international Environmental Law conferences in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. She is also a member of GIDEPA since 2012. This organization unites Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American universities in the field of law. The members of this organization carry out joint academic activities, organize conferences and carry out joint scientific projects and research.

Davor Petric

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Davor Petrić is a Lecturer and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Department of European Public Law. He serves as an Executive Editor of the Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy. He defended his doctoral dissertation (summa cum laude) at the University of Zagreb (2022) on the topic of ‘Interpreting EU Law: Legal Reasoning of National Courts in the Preliminary Ruling Procedure’. Davor earned his LLM degree at the University of Michigan Law School as a ‘Hugo Grotius Fellow’ (2019). Prior to that, he graduated in European studies from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Political Science (2015) and in law from the University of Mostar Faculty of Law (2013). As a guest researcher, he stayed at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University (2021), the Court of Justice of the European Union (2021), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2022), New University in Ljubljana (2022), Hertie School in Berlin (2022), University College Dublin (2023), and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg (2024). His research interests include EU law (in particular, the EU judicial system), judicial politics, constitutional aspects of European integration, and jurisprudence.

Antonio Silva

University of Extramadura, Spain

Antonio Silva Sánchez, is a professor of Roman Law at the University of Extremadura in Cáceres (Spain). Extraordinary Doctorate Award, Master in Mediation and Expert in Family Law, he is a member of the Research Group cataloged “Studies of Law in Spain, Portugal and Latin America” ​​(GIDEPA). He has held various university positions such as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Director of the Department of Private Law at the University of Extremadura, among others. Author and co-author of numerous articles, books and other research works, he has taught, inside and outside Spain, undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s degrees, organizing and coordinating national and international conferences. He has been a speaker at conferences and has carried out study and research stays in Argentina, Austria, Germany, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Peru, Portugal, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic , People’s Republic of China and Switzerland.

Olena Sviatun

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Olena Sviatun, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Olena Sviatun, PhD in EU Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Comparative and European Law of the EaS Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. She teaches European Law courses (EU Law, Human Rights Protection in the EU, Dispute Settlement in the EU Law, EU Migration Law) at the EaS Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
She holds LLM from EaS Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and PhD degree in EU Law from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. She has over 70 academic publications, including several monographs and manuals on EU law. Assoc. Prof. Sviatun worked as an expert for several EU-funded projects and the Council of Europe projects including the EU Law Expert within the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Institute of International Relations (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). The Centre’s activity was aimed at implementing the project «Advancing European Studies in Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Approach» (№ 611625-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-CoE) during 2019-2022.

Ivana Tucak

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia

Dr. I. Tucak is a professor at the Faculty of Law in Osijek (Croatia) where she teaches Theory of Law and State and Introduction to Law. She also gives lectures within the Postgraduate Doctor’s Studies offered by the Faculty of Law, University of Split, as well as within Postgraduate Specialist Studies in Human Rights and within the Postgraduate Doctor’s Studies, both offered by the Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek.

The scope of her scientific interest involves theory of law and state, philosophy of human rights, constitutional rights, ethics and bioethics. She is the editor in chief of the Pravni vjesnik, Journal of Law and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. She is a member of the Croatian Bioethics Society, vice president of the Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and the State, and president of the Scientific Council of the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences.

Alexander Vashkevich

European Humanities University, Lithuania

Prof. Alexander Vashkevich, Former Justice of the Constitutional Court of Belarus is a full Professor of Public Law at European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania. He teaches Comparative Constitutional Law, European Human Rights Law and EU Institutional Law and is a member of the Board of the EHU Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights.

He holds LLM from Belarusian State University Law Faculty and doctoral degree in Constitutional Law from Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in Kharkiv, Ukraine. He has more than 130 scientific publications, including several monographs devoted to the problems of human rights and constitutional law issues. Prof. Vashkevich  is an expert of the Council of Europe and United Nations as well as the  member of  the OSCE/ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Peaceful  Assembly and Association and  co-authored joint  OSCE/ODIHR –Venice Commission  Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly.

Ingrīda Veikša

Turība University, Latvia

Dr.iur. Veiksa is Head of Law Department, Professor and the Director of Program of Law Sciences at the Turiba University in Riga, Latvia, where she lectures intellectual property law. Ingrida Veiksa was admitted to the Latvian Bar Association at 2010, since 2011 she is an expert in the Law Science of the Latvian Council of Science. She is the author of textbooks and several publications, has regularly participated in international scientific conferences with reports. Member of working groups for the drafting of intellectual property and broadcasting law in Latvia.

Organizing committee


Jolanta Bieliauskaitė (Kazimieras Simonavicius University)


  1. Olegas Beriozovas (Kazimieras Simonavicius University)
  2. Toma Jakutytė (Kazimieras Simonavicius University)
  3. Karolis Kaklys (Kazimieras Simonavicius University)

Partner journals

  • Pravni Vjesnik (indexed with WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, HeinOnline, ERIH PLUS and other international databases)
  • Studia Iuridica Lublinensia (indexed with Scopus, Index Copernicus International (ICI Journals Master List), ERIH PLUS and other international databases)
  • Current Issues of Business and Law (indexed in EBSCO PUBLISHING database)

Guidelines for abstracts

  1. Title of the paper
  2. Author(s) name, surname and affiliation(s), email address of a corresponding author
  3. Body of the abstract which is between 1500 and 2500 characters with spaces and includes:
    • research problem(s) and the overall purpose of the paper;
    • methodology;
    • major findings, interpretations and conclusions.
  1. 4-6 keywords

Important dates

Early bird Standard
Abstract submission 15/03/2024 Abstract submission 15/04/2024
Notice of acceptance 22/03/2024 Notice of acceptance 22/04/2024
Early bird registration 29/03/2024 Standard registration 29/04/2024
Conference May 27-28, 2024

Registration fees

  Before March 29, 2024 After March 29, 2024
Participation with presentation: In person/online In person/online
Scholars, practitioneers 100 EUR 150 EUR
PhD student 50 EUR 75 EUR

 * 2 waivers for the best selected papers of participants from higher education institutions of Ukraine

** 1 waiver for the best selected PhD student paper


Registration fee includes:

 – Admission to scientific sessions;

– Certificate of participation;

– Vilnius city tour & dinner on May 27, 2023 (in person)


Registration fee does not include travel, accommodation expenses and lunches.